Patients & Carers

What will I pay?

Costs for dental treatment offered by Dental Health Services


Consumer feedback

Provide feedback about your experiences with Dental Health Services.

All feedback, compliments and complaints are welcome, and taken seriously.


Charter of Your Healthcare Rights

The Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights describes the rights of patients and other people using the Australian health system. These rights are essential to make sure that, wherever and whenever care is provided, it is of high quality and is safe.


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Contact us...

(08) 9313 0555

Head Office

43 Mount Henry Road
Salter Point, WA 6152

Locked bag 15
Bentley Delivery Centre, WA 6983

You said...

Hampton Park Dental Therapy Centre is the nicest centre I have ever attended with 3 kids across multiple centres and a cleft palette child. I have a lot of experience with dentists. The centre at Hampton Park is always polite, explains everything well and goes out of their way to help you. This is not a one off achievement they continuously show this outstanding service.
(Hampton Park DTC)