Special services

Adult patient smiling in dental chair

In addition to the routine dental services, Dental Health Services provide special services to the following groups:

Patients who are physically unable to attend a Dental Clinic (Domiciliary Patients)

What care is provided?

The care includes routine dental examinations, oral health advice, scale and cleaning, extractions, dentures and fillings. Specialist dental services such as oral surgery are not provided, and you will be referred for these services.

Am I eligible?

You are eligible if you have a medical condition that prevents you being able to travel to a dental clinic to access care.

How do I get care?

You can be referred to the Service by a medical practitioner. Please call (08) 9313 0548 or email domiciliary@dental.health.wa.gov.au for further information.

How much does it cost?

We use the Commonwealth Department of Veterans' Affairs schedule of dental fees.

If you hold a current Health care card or Pensioner concession card, dental treatment is subsidised by the Western Australian Government up to a maximum of 75% of the cost of the treatment. The level of dental subsidy you are entitled to receive is based upon the income you receive from Centrelink.

If you do not hold a current Health care card or Pensioner concession card you will need to pay 100% of the fee.

Aged Care Facilities who participate in the Aged Care Programme

A free annual dental screening examination and oral care plan.

If you require further care you will be referred to the appropriate service.

Am I eligible?

You are eligible if you are living in an aged care facility that participates in the Aged Care Programme.

How much does it cost?

There is no charge for the dental screening examination and oral care plan.

Disability Services Commission Clients

What care is provided?

The care includes routine dental examinations, oral health advice, scale and polishing, extractions, fillings, X-rays, fissure sealants, root canal treatments, oral surgery and dentures. Treatment can be provided under a General Anaesthetic if required.

Am I eligible?

You are eligible if you are registered with the Disability Services Commission in the following categories:

  • Intellectual Disability registered with Commission
  • Global Developmental Delay registered with Commission
  • Autism Spectrum (registered prior to 1 September 2006)

How much does it cost?

There is no charge for the service. Please call (08) 9201 9889 for further information.


What care is provided?

Routine dental care focussed on relief of pain and alleviation of infection; such as: dental examinations, oral health advice, extractions, fillings, x-rays, root canal treatments and in some cases dentures.

How much does it cost?

There is no charge for routine treatment.

In-Patients at Graylands Hospital

What care is provided?

The care includes routine dental examinations, oral health advice, scale and cleaning, extractions, fillings, X-rays, fissure sealants and root canal treatments. Specialist dental services such as oral surgery and orthodontics are not provided, and patients are referred for these services.

Am I eligible?

You are eligible if you are an in-patient of Graylands Hospital (including Frankland Centre) or a resident of an eligible registered psychiatric hostel or Community Accommodation Support Programme Hostel.

Royal Perth Hospital Dental Clinic

Am I eligible?

You are eligible if you are an in-patient of Royal Perth Hospital (RPH), an out-patient who has been referred by one of the RPH medical speciality clinics or an out-patient whose medical condition requires monitoring during dental treatment and are under current RPH specialist management. Patients are also accepted from the community wherein the medical practitioner or dentist feels their treatment requires the support of a tertiary hospital. Patients can also be referred for treatment under general anaesthetic should their medical condition(s) also require treatment in a tertiary hospital.

How much does it cost?

There is no charge for treatment.

Residents in rural locations

What care is provided?

The care includes routine dental examinations, oral health advice, scale and cleaning, extractions, dentures and fillings. Specialist dental services such as oral surgery are not provided and you will be referred for these services.

Am I eligible?

If you live in a remote location you are able to access care at the Public Dental Clinic.

How much does it cost?

Holders of a current Health Care or Pensioner Concession card will pay either 25% or 50% of the fee. If you are not eligible, you will be charged the full fee.

Other Languages

Contact us...

(08) 9313 0555

Head Office

43 Mount Henry Road
Salter Point, WA 6152

Locked bag 15
Bentley Delivery Centre, WA 6983

You said...

Both my boys were seen at Deanmore Primary Dental Therapy Centre on 10.05.19 for a check-up. Staff were very lovely. Boys felt comfortable and both had a scale and clean. Great visit today.
(Deanmore DTC)