About us

Quick Guide: Dental Health Services (DHS)

As the largest public dental health services provider in Western Australia (WA) funded by the state government, DHS can trace its history to 1926 when the first public dentist was employed by the Public Health Department.

Find out more about our services...

Consumer feedback

Provide feedback about your experiences with Dental Health Services.

All feedback, compliments and complaints are welcome, and taken seriously.


General Enquiry

Drop us a line to let us know what's on your mind.


Employment opportunities

Dental Health Services employs approximately 900 staff in metropolitan, rural and remote areas across the state of Western Australia. You can find Dental Health Services vacancies online through jobs.wa.gov.au


Consumer information poster

Dental Health Services at a glance.


Privacy statement

Describes Dental Health Services (DHS) procedure for ensuring that personal patient information is processed fairly and lawfully in line with the Privacy Act 1988 and Public Sector Management Act 1994.


Other Languages

Contact us...

(08) 9313 0555

Head Office

43 Mount Henry Road
Salter Point, WA 6152

Locked bag 15
Bentley Delivery Centre, WA 6983

You said...

It was a pleasure to bring [child] here. She was excited to come to every appointment.
(Australind DTC)